The relationship between esports game genres and cognitive performance: A comparison between first-person shooter vs. multiplayer online battle arena games in younger adults
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Title | The relationship between esports game genres and cognitive performance: A comparison between first-person shooter vs. multiplayer online battle arena games in younger adults |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2024 |
Authors | Mancı E, Güdücü Ç, Günay E, Güvendi G, Campbell M, Bediz CŞ |
Journal | Entertainment Computing |
Volume | 50 |
Pagination | 100640 |
ISSN | 1875-9521 |
Keywords | Cognition, Cognitive tests, Esport, First person shooter, Gaming, Massive online battle arena |
URL | |
DOI | 10.1016/j.entcom.2024.100640 |