Lero Researchers Win 9 scientific Awards so far in 2014
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2014 has seen Lero resarchers win 9 scientific awards.
Jesus Garcia and Liliana Pasquale won Best Paper Award at the 9th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, SEAMS co-located with ICSE 2014. Liliana aslo won the Windows Azure for Research Award, Microsoft Research’s Windows Azure for Research program.
Trevour Clohessy and Eoin Cullina won best paper awards at the LPRC conference in Limerick . Trevor won for his paper, 'The cloud computing service provider business model perspective: Quo Vadis?'and Eoin for 'A Design Science Approach to Crowd Model Creation in Information systems Research'. Trevor who is a PhD student with the EVOSS research group, won the Industry Impact Award as part of NUI Galway President’s Research Awards for Research at the University's Research Showcase, for his work entitled 'Strategising Cloud Service Provision: Deciphering the Business Model’. Trevor is part of Whitaker and Lero's EVOSS group led by Dr. Kieran Conboy, and his supervisors are Dr. Tom Acton and Dr. Lorraine Morgan.
Padraig O'Leary and Klaas-Jan Stol both won an Irish Research Council New Foundations award.
David Gregg and Gavin Doherty won the Honourable Mention Award , ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems is the premier international conference of Human-Computer Interaction.
Anthony Ventresque won the Best Paper Award for the paper `A Fair Comparison of VM Placement Heuristics and a More Effective Solution'