Found 3538 results
Flash drive memory apparatus and method. #7,673,089
2010. A Formal Approach to Reuse Successful Traceability Practices in SPL Projects. 25th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2010).
2010. A Formal Approach to Self-configurable Swarm-based Space-exploration Systems. Proceedings of the 2010 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2010)Proceedings of the 2010 NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS-2010).
2010. Formal Methods. Encyclopedia of Software EngineeringEncyclopedia of Software Engineering.
2010. Formal Requirements Specification. Encyclopedia of Software EngineeringEncyclopedia of Software Engineering.
2010. A Formal Semantics for Decision-oriented Variability Modeling with DOPLER. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems VAMOS 2010.
2010. A Framework for Flexible and Dependable Service-oriented Embedded Systems. Architecting Dependable SystemsArchitecting Dependable Systems. VII (ADS VII)
2010. Fulfilling the vision of autonomic computing. IEEE Computer. 43
2010. Future Research in Agile Systems Development: Applying Open Innovation Principles within the Agile Organisation. Agile Software Development: Current Research and Future DirectionsAgile Software Development: Current Research and Future Directions.
2010. Global Software Development and Collaboration: Barriers and Solutions. ACM Inroads - SIGCSE Journal Bulletin. 1
2010. .
2010. A Graph-Based Definition of Distillation. META 2010: The Second International Workshop on Metacomputation.
2010. Graphemes: self-organizing shape-based clustered structures for network visualisations. Proceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systemsProceedings of the 28th of the international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems.
2010. Guest Editor’s introduction: Evolving Critical Systems. Computer. 43
2010. Harnessing ISO/IEC 12207 to examine the extent of SPI activity in an organisation. Proceedings of the 17th Conference on European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2010)Proceedings of the 17th Conference on European Systems & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2010). CCIS Vol. 99
2010. Having Fun with Computer Programming and Games: Teacher and Student Experiences. 4th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives ISSEP 20104th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives ISSEP 2010. 5941
2010. How to Complete an Interactive Configuration Process? 36th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science (SOFSEM 2010).
2010. Hybrid systems controller design methodology. Accepted poster at Fiesta 2010 workshop at SAE 2010.
2010. Identifying Architectural Patterns Used in Open Source Software: Approaches and Challenges. 14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE)14th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE).
2010. On The Impact of Real-Time Feedback on Users’ Behaviour in Mobile Location-Sharing Applications. Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2010)Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2010).
2010. Implementation of a Hybrid Low Overhead Assessment Method for Medical Device Software Development. the 10th International Spice Conference (SPICE 2010)the 10th International Spice Conference (SPICE 2010).
2010. Improving Product Derivation in Software Product Line Engineering. InformatikJournal.
2010. .
2010. Integrating Automated Product Derivation and Individual User Interface Design. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems VAMOS2010.
2010. Introducing agility into Plan based assessments. Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced ApproachesModern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced Approaches.