Found 3538 results
Observation of Open Source Programmers’ Information Seeking. 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension. ICSE0917th International Conference on Program Comprehension. ICSE09.
2009. Observation of Open Source Programmers’ Information Seeking. The 17th International Conference on Program ComprehensionThe 17th International Conference on Program Comprehension.
2009. Ontology-based Modelling of Architectural Styles. Information and Software Technology (IST)Information and Software Technology (IST). 1
2009. Open Source Software Implementation: Anatomy of Success and Failure. International Journal of Open Source Software Processes. 1
2009. Pattern-based Architecture for Business Operations and Enterprise Software Applications Alignment. Semantic Enterprise Application IntegrationSemantic Enterprise Application Integration.
2009. People over Process: The implications of Agile for IS Skills. Pre-ICIS Workshop.
2009. On Practical Service-Based Computing in Distributed Embedded Automotive Systems.. 6th International Workshop on Model-based Methodologies for Pervasive and Embedded Software (MOMPES), ICSE 2009.
2009. Preparing for Product Derivation: Activities and Issues. ICSOFT 2009ICSOFT 2009.
2009. Probabilistic Discovery of Semantically Diverse Content in MANETs. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing. 8
2009. Problem Based Learning in the Software Engineering Classroom. IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEET 2009IEEE Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEET 2009.
2009. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches in Software Product Line Engineering (MAPLE 2009) collocated with the 13th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2009). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 557CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 557.
2009. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Software Process Simulation Modeling: Conversion and Comparison. ASWEC’09: Proceedings of the 20th Australian Software Engineering ConferenceASWEC’09: Proceedings of the 20th Australian Software Engineering Conference.
2009. Quality in Conference Publishing. IEEE Professional Communication Society. 52
2009. Reliance on Gut Instinct in Decision Making Software Project Managers Viewpoint. 10th Special Focus Symposium on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems10th Special Focus Symposium on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems.
2009. Reporting Empirical Research in Open Source Software: The State of Practice. 5th International Conference on Open Source Systems5th International Conference on Open Source Systems.
2009. .
2009. Requirements-Driven Collaborative Choreography Customization. 7th International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC’09)7th International Joint Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC’09).
2009. Resolving Product Derivation Tasks using Traceability in Software Product Lines. 5th ECMDA Traceability workshop (ECMDA-TW 2009) held in conjunction with the Fifth European Conference on Model-Driven Architecture Foundations and Applications (ECMDA 2009).
2009. Resolving Traceability Issues of Product Derivation for Software Product Lines. 4th International Conference for Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT09)4th International Conference for Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT09).
2009. Resource-Aware Contracts for Addressing Feature Interaction in Dynamic Adaptive Systems. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009)Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS 2009).
2009. Risk management capability model for the development of medical device software. Software Quality Journal. 18
2009. Risks Identification and Mitigation Processes for Using Scrum in Global Software Development: A Conceptual Framework, Conference. Proceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Software EngineeringProceedings of the 16th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering.
2009. The Role of Software Engineering in Future Automotive Systems Development SAE. SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars- Electronic and Electrical Systems. 1
2009. Run-Time Correlation Engine for System Monitoring and Testing. The International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication ICAC 2009The International Conference on Autonomic Computing and Communication ICAC 2009.
2009. A Self-Adaptive Architechture For Autonomic Systems Developed With ASSL. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2009)Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies (ICSOFT 2009).