Found 3538 results
Sensor fusion-based middleware for smart homes. International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Mechatronics. 8
2007. Software Process Improvement. EuroSPI ConferenceEuroSPI Conference.
2007. Sprint-driven development: working, learning and the process of enculturation in the PyPy community. Third International Conference on Open Source SystemsThird International Conference on Open Source Systems.
2007. STIS: Smart Travel Planning Across Multiple Modes of Transportation. 10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2007)10th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (IEEE ITSC 2007).
2007. Terms with unbounded demonic and angelic nondeterminacy. Science of Computer Programming. 65
2007. A Tool for Software Architecture Knowledge Management. Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architecture Knowledge - Architecture, Rationale, and Design Intent (SHARK/ADI 2007), collocated with the 29th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007).
2007. Towards Agile Product Derivation in Software Product Line Engineering. RISE Conference.
2007. Towards Scatterbox: a Context-Aware Message Forwarding Platform. Fourth International Workshop on Modeling and Reasoning in Context in conjunction with Context ’07.
2007. Towards Supporting Feature Configuration by Interactive Visualisation. Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (ViSPLE 2007) collocated with the 11th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2007).
2007. User-Changeable Visibility: Resolving Unanticipated Name Clashes in Traits. Proceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA conferenceProceedings of the 2007 OOPSLA conference.
2007. A Verification-Centric Realization of e-Voting. 2nd USENIX/ACCURATE Electronic Voting Technology Workshop (EVT) 2007.
2007. The Views of Experts on the Current State of Agile Method Tailoring.. 11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion11th IFIP 8.6 Working Group Conference on Business Agility and IT Diffusion.
2007. VisiCog: Considering the interaction of Visualization and Cognition in Software Development. Irish Human-Computer Interaction Conference (iHCI 2007)Irish Human-Computer Interaction Conference (iHCI 2007).
2007. Visualisation of Variability in Software Product Lines. Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VAMOS 2007).
2007. Visualisation Techniques to Support Derivation Tasks in Software Product Line Development. 17th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2007)17th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering (CASCON 2007).
2007. Visualising Network Communications to Evaluate a Data Dissemination Method for Ubiquitous Systems. Workshop on Ubiquitous Systems Evaluation in conjunction with UbiComp ’07, Innsbruck.
2007. Web-based systems design: a study of contemporary practices and an explanatory framework based on method-in-action. Requirements Engineering Journal. 12
2007. Whole-system programming of adaptive ambient intelligence. 4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: ambient interaction4th international conference on Universal access in human-computer interaction: ambient interaction. LNCS
2007. Why are small software organisations different? IEEE Software. 24
2007. Women in engineering and technological entrepreneurship: exploring initiatives to overcome the obstacles in Female Entrepreneurship. Implications for education, training and policyImplications for education, training and policy.
2007. 12 (Not so) Easy Pieces: Grand Challenges for Open Source Software. 14th European Conference on Information Systems14th European Conference on Information Systems.
2006. 13th European Conference Software Process Improvement Conference. EuroSPI 2006EuroSPI 2006. LNCS 4257
2006. Action-Oriented Conceptual Modelling in Action: A Critical Evaluation. 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2006)7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS 2006).
2006. Adaptive middleware for autonomic systems. Annals of Telecommunication. 61
2006. Adept – A Software Process Appraisal Method for Small to Medium-sized Irish Software Development Organisations. European Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference 2006, EuroSPI06European Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference 2006, EuroSPI06.