Found 3538 results
Burns, T., Pearlmutter, B. & McDonald, J. (2019). MouldingNet: deep-learning for 3D object reconstruction. IMVIP 2019: Irish Machine Vision & Image Processing, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, August 28-30. doi:10.21427/synp-mr39 . Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference.
2019. Business analytics capability, organisational value and competitive advantage. Journal of Business Analytics. 2:1-14.
2019. .
2019. Cautious Adaptation of Defiant Components. 2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
2019. CENGO: A Web-Based Serious Game to Increase the Programming Knowledge Levels of Computer Engineering Students. 26th European and Asian Conference on Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement .
2019. Challenges and recommended practices for software architecting in global software development. Information and Software Technology. 106:234-253.
2019. The Changing Role of the Software Engineer. 26th Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement.
2019. Characterizing the transfer of program comprehension in onboarding: an information-push perspective. Empirical Software Engineering.
2019. .
2019. Circus2CSP: A Tool for Model-Checking Circus Using FDR. Formal Methods – The Next 30 Years.
2019. Closed loop process control for precision farming: An Agriculture 4.0 perspective . Irish Signal and System Conference 2019 .
2019. Closing Thoughts on “Information Systems Research: Thinking Outside the Basket and Beyond the Journal”. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. :160-164.
2019. On the coexistence of human-driven and automated vehicles within platoon systems. 18th European Control Conference .
2019. Cognitive to physical performance: a conceptual model for the role of motor simulation in performance. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
2019. The Color-Word Stroop Task Does Not Differentiate Cognitive Inhibition Ability Among Esports Gamers of Varying Expertise. Frontiers in Psychology. 10:2852.
2019. A comparative study of multi-objective machine reassignment algorithms for data centres . Journal of Heuristics.
2019. Comparing Radar-Based Breast Imaging Algorithm Performance with Realistic Patient-Specific Permittivity Estimation. Journal of Imaging. 5:87.
2019. A comparitive study of Image Filters and Machine Learning for use in Machined Part Recognition. 2019 13th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST).
2019. Connected and autonomous vehicles: A cyber-risk classification framework. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
2019. Connected and autonomous vehicles: A cyber-risk classification framework. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 124:523-536.
2019. Connected automated vehicles and insurance: Analysing future market-structure from a business ecosystem perspective. Technology in Society. 59:101182.
2019. A Context-Aware E-Bike System to Reduce Pollution Inhalation While Cycling. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 20:704-715.
2019. A Context-Based Strategy for SLA Negotiation in the IoT Environment. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops).
2019. Continuous Data-driven Software Engineering -Towards a Research Agenda. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. 44(4)
2019. .