Found 3538 results
A roadmap to implement a quality management system. 6th International conference on Health Informatics (Healthinf 2013)6th International conference on Health Informatics (Healthinf 2013).
2013. ROThAr: Real-time On-line Traffic Assignment with Load Estimation. IEEE/ACM Distributed Systems and Real Time applications (DS-RT) 2013IEEE/ACM Distributed Systems and Real Time applications (DS-RT) 2013.
2013. Scaling Agile Methods to Regulated Environments: An Industry Case Study. Proceedings of 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) SEIP trackProceedings of 35th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) SEIP track.
2013. Search-based Refactoring Detection using Software Metrics Variation. Search Based Software EngineeringSearch Based Software Engineering.
2013. Searching for Novel Regression Functions. Congress on Evolutionary ComputationCongress on Evolutionary Computation.
2013. A Security Assurance Framework for Networked Medical Devices. PROFES 2013PROFES 2013.
2013. Self-Adaptation with End-User Preference: Using Run-Time Models and Constraint Solving. the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS)the International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS).
2013. Service Placement in the Cloud. the 1st IAIS Workshop on Cloud Computing Research.
2013. The Significance of Requirements in Medical Device Software Development. European Systems and Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference EuroSPIEuropean Systems and Software Process Improvement and Innovation Conference EuroSPI.
2013. Simulating Global Software Development Processes for Use in Education: A Feasibility Study. Software and Services Process ImprovementSoftware and Services Process Improvement.
2013. Simulating Global Software Development processes for use in Education: A Feasibility Study. 20th EuroSPI Conference20th EuroSPI Conference.
2013. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. 13th International Conference, SPICE 201313th International Conference, SPICE 2013. CCIS Vol. 349
2013. Specifying Software Features for Composition: A Tool-Supported Approach. Computer Networks. 57(12)
2013. Sustainable Embedded Software Life-Cycle Planning. IEEE Software. 30(4)
2013. A Systematic Literature Review of Best Practices and Challenges in Follow-the-Sun Software Development. PARIS: Methods and Tools for Project/Architecture/Risk Management in Globally Distributed Software Development Projects, Proceedings of International Conference on Global Software Development (ICGSE)PARIS: Methods and Tools for Project/Architecture/Risk M.
2013. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. 20th European Conference, EuroSPI 201320th European Conference, EuroSPI 2013. 364
2013. Tailoring software process capability/maturity models for the health domain. Journal of Health and Technology.
2013. Towards a Framework for the Development of Adaptable Service-Based Applications. Service-Oriented Computing and Applications.
2013. Towards a Global Software Development Community Web: Identifying Patterns and Scenarios. PARIS Workshop, International Conference on Global Software Development (ICGSE).
2013. Towards a Personality Type Measurement Game considered for Software Development Organizations [in Turkish]. Proceedings Turkish National Software Engineering SymposiumProceedings Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium.
2013. Towards a Process Assessment Model for IEC 80001-1. the 6th International conference on Health Informatics (Healthinf 2013)the 6th International conference on Health Informatics (Healthinf 2013).
2013. Towards a Reference Model for Water Smart Grid. International Journal of Advances in Engineering, Science and Technology (IJAEST). 2(3)
2013. Towards An Understanding of Living Laboratory Ecosystem Information Technology (IT) Governance and its Role on The Effectiveness of Open Innovation Processes. 2nd European Workshop on Software Ecosystems.
2013. Towards Formal Verification of a Separation Microkernel. DASIA 2013, annual Eurospace conferenceDASIA 2013, annual Eurospace conference.
2013. Towards Realistic Data Population of a Testing Environment. Short paper in the 11th Information Technology &Telecommunications Conference (IT&T 2012)Short paper in the 11th Information Technology &Telecommunications Conference (IT&T 2012).