Found 3538 results
Quality: Attitudes and Experience within the Irish Software Industry European. Software Process Improvement ConferenceSoftware Process Improvement Conference.
2005. The Reconstruction of Portable Computers: On the Flexibility of Mobile Computing in Mobile Activities. IFIP 8.2 ConferenceIFIP 8.2 Conference.
2005. Redundancy Managment for CAN Bus. SDSS 2005: First annual Workshop on spacecraft Data Systems and Software ESTEC.
2005. Requirements Engineering für eingebettete Software. Software Engineering eingebetteter Systeme: Grundlagen - Methodik - AnwendungenSoftware Engineering eingebetteter Systeme: Grundlagen - Methodik - Anwendungen.
2005. .
2005. Service-oriented Migration and Reuse Technique. Works Shop Presentation / Software Technology and Engineering Practice.
2005. Settings for Collaboration: The Role of Place. Workshop / ECXCW 2005.
2005. Software Development. Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Software DevelopmentProceedings of 3rd International Conference on Software Development.
2005. Software Process Improvement for the Medical Industry. Personalised Health Management Systems - The Integration of Innovative Sensing, Textile, Information and Communication TechnologiesPersonalised Health Management Systems - The Integration of Innovative Sensing, Textile, Information and Communication Techn. 117
2005. .
2005. Software project Team Dynamics - A study of enablers and barriers to successful teams. 18th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications18th International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications.
2005. Software selection: Towards an understanding of forensic software tool adoption in industrial practice. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management. 4
2005. Space, place and the design of technologically enhanced physical environments. Space, Spatiality and TechnologySpace, Spatiality and Technology.
2005. A study of the use of agile methods within Intel. IFIP 8.6 ConferenceIFIP 8.6 Conference.
2005. Studying Persistent Conversations in an Open Source Context: A Conceptual Framework. Promote IT 2005Promote IT 2005.
2005. Supporting Migration to Services using Software Architecture Reconstruction. Works Shop Presentation / Software Technology and Engineering Practice.
2005. Tagungsband zur Software Engineering 2005. Gesellschaft für Informatik. Lecture Notes in InformaticsLecture Notes in Informatics.
2005. Tailoring Extreme Programming for Legacy Systems: Lessons Learned. EuroSPI, 2005EuroSPI, 2005.
2005. Teaching Three Quality Assurance Techniques in Tandem - Lessons Learned. International Workshop on Education and Training for Quality Software Engineering.
2005. Toward the agile enterprise: coevolution of business processes and IT infrastructure. ALOIS 2005ALOIS 2005.
2005. Towards a Framework for Characterising Concurrent Comprehension. Computer Science Education. 15
2005. Towards a Taxonomy of Software Change. International Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice. 17
2005. Understanding Place as Experience: Augmenting Human Activities in Context. Workshop Presentation/Workshop on Place and Experience in Human-Computer Interaction INTERACT.
2005. Virtual Software Teams: Overcoming the Obstacles. 3rd World Congress on Software Quality3rd World Congress on Software Quality.