Found 3538 results
An Experience of Applying Architecture-Based Approach to Build a Component-Based Requirements Management Tools. Workshop on architecture for complex application integration.
2004. eXtreme Programming (XP) as a Minimum Software Process: A Grounded Theory. 28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2004)28th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 2004).
2004. Grounding through Operationalization: Constructing Tangible Theory in IS Research. 12th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2004)12th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2004).
2004. How Does Agility Ensure Quality? Scotland 2nd Workshop on Software Quality.
2004. Human-centred computing: A new perspective? The Past and Future of Information SystemsThe Past and Future of Information Systems.
2004. Information Modelling Based on a Meaningful Use of Language.. 9th CAiSE/IFIP WG8.1/EUNO Workshop on Evaluation of Modelling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’2004).
2004. Institutional Impacts on the Development of an IT Industry: The Irish Experience. Journal of Information Technology. 7
2004. Investigating actability dimensions: a language/action perspective on criteria for information systems evaluation. Interacting with Computers. 16
2004. Investigating Patterns and Task Type correlations in Open Source Online Mailing Lists. Proceedings of the 16th Annual PPIG Workshop.
2004. .
2004. IT Artefacts as Socio-Pragmatic Instruments: Towards an Integration of the Pragmatic, Social, Semiotic and Technical. Workshop on Understanding Sociotechnical Action.
2004. IT Innovation for Adaptablility and Competitiveness. Kluwer Academic PressKluwer Academic Press.
2004. Lo Sviluppo di Sistemi Informatvi: Metodologie in Azione. McGraw HillMcGraw Hill.
2004. Merging Agile Development Methodologies -The Case for DSDM and XP. Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference (EuroSPI)Proceedings of European Software Process Improvement Conference (EuroSPI).
2004. Method configuration: adapting to situational characteristics while creating reusable assets. Information and Software Technology. 46
2004. A Multi-disciplinary literature review of agility. Americas Conference on Information SystemsAmericas Conference on Information Systems.
2004. .
2004. Northern Ireland Software Industry Survey. Fourth International SPICE Conference on Process Assessment and ImprovementFourth International SPICE Conference on Process Assessment and Improvement.
2004. .
2004. PicoVis: A Dynamic Visualisation Tool for Simulating a Bluetooth Communication Environment Enhancing Student Understanding. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group.
2004. A Practical Application of the IDEAL Model. Software Process Improvement and Practice. 9
2004. Practical Experience of Virtual Team Software Development. EuroSPI 2004 Industrial ProceedingsEuroSPI 2004 Industrial Proceedings.
2004. A Process for Transforming Portions of Existing Software for Reuse in Modern . Workshop on Software Evolution Transformations.
2004. Produktlinienentwicklung für Fahrerassistenzsysteme. Software-Produktlinien: MethodenSoftware-Produktlinien: Methoden.
2004. Scenarios, Quality Attributes, and Patterns: Capturing and Using their Synergistic Relationships for Product Line Architectures. International Workshop on Adopting Product Line Software Engineering.