Found 3538 results
Pretrained Transformer Language Models vs Pretrained Word Embeddings for the Detection of Accurate Health Information on Arabic Social Media: Comparative Study (Preprint). JMIR Formative Research. 6
2021. Privacy and Security Technologies for Smart City Development. Security and Privacy Applications for Smart City Development. :3–23.
2021. Privacy in a Time of COVID-19: How Concerned Are You? IEEE Security Privacy. 19:26-35.
2021. Privacy in Times of COVID-19: A Pilot Study in the Republic of Ireland. The 16th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security.
2021. .
2021. A Professional Career with Autism: Findings from a Literature Review in the Software Engineering Domain. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement.
2021. Progress in Computer Gaming and Esports: Neurocognitive and Motor Perspectives . Frontiers in Psychology.
2021. Proposed Use of a Conversational Agent for Patient Empowerment. 14th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies .
2021. Prototyping Self-Healing Behavior for NASA Swarm-based Systems with ASSL. TASK Quarterly (Journal of the Polish Academy of Science).
2021. Public attitudes towards privacy in COVID-19 times in the Republic of Ireland: A pilot study. Information Security Journal A Global Perspective.
2021. QoSA-ICN: An information-centric approach to QoS in vehicular environments. Vehicular Communications. 30:100351.
2021. A quantitative bow-tie cyber risk classification and assessment framework. Journal of Risk Research. :1-20.
2021. .
2021. Rapid Continuous Software Engineering - State of the Practice and Open Research Questions: Report on the 6th International Workshop on Rapid Continuous Software Engineering (RCoSE 2020). SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes. 46:25–27.
2021. Reducing pharmacy medication errors using Lean Six Sigma: A Thai hospital case study . Total Quality Management & Business Excellence .
2021. RefDetect: A Multi-Language Refactoring Detection Tool Based on String Alignment. IEEE Access. 9:86698-86727.
2021. Regional Integration Clusters and Optimum Customs Unions: A Machine-Learning Approach. Journal of Economic Integration. 36:262-281.
2021. Regressing Relative Fine-Grained Change for Sub-Groups in Unreliable Heterogeneous Data Through Deep Multi-Task Metric Learning. Sensors and Transducers. 252:50-57.
2021. Regressing Relative Fine-Grained Change for Sub-Groups in Unreliable Heterogeneous Data through Deep Multi-Task Metric Learning . Sensors and Transducers.
2021. Regulatory and Technical Constraints: An Overview of the Technical Possibilities and Regulatory Limitations of Vehicle Telematic Data. Sensors. 21:3517.
2021. Reparation in Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-objective Feature Selection in Large Software Product Lines. SN Computer Science. 2
2021. Representation Learning for Fine-Grained Change Detection. Sensors. 21:4486.
2021. Representation of Developer Expertise in Open Source Software . 2021 IEEE/ACM 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) .
2021. Requirements Engineering for Well-Being, Aging, and Health: An Overview for Practitioners. IEEE Software. 38:7-12.
2021. Responsible AI and Analytics for an Ethical and Inclusive Digitised Society . Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 12896