Found 3538 results
Responsible AI for Digital Health: a Synthesis and a Research Agenda. Information Systems Frontiers.
2021. .
2021. Rural Islandness as a Lens for (Rural) HCI. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact.. 28
2021. Scalability in nonlinear network systems affected by delays and disturbances. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems. :1-1.
2021. .
2021. Securing a Dependability Improvement Mechanism for Cyber-Physical Systems. SERP'20 - The 18th Int'l Conf on Software Engineering Research and Practice. Co-located with The 2020 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (.
2021. Sensor and Sensor Fusion Technology in Autonomous Vehicles: A Review. Sensors. 21:2140.
2021. Sentiment analysis of user feedback on the HSE’s Covid-19 contact tracing app. Irish Journal of Medical Science.
2021. Shake Those System Parameters! On the Need for Parameter Coverage for Decision Systems. 2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE).
2021. Share and Share Alike:How Inner Source Can Help Create New Digital Platforms . California Management Review.
2021. Shared Leadership and Team Effectiveness: An Investigation of Whether and When in Engineering Design Teams. Frontiers in Psychology. 11:4045.
2021. Simulating and Evaluating a Real-World ElasticSearch System Using the RECAP DES Simulator. Future Internet. 13
2021. .
2021. Smartphone Use While Driving: An Investigation of Young Novice Driver (YND) Behaviour. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 77:209-220.
2021. Sustainable Team Design: A Challenge to Traditional Beliefs in Information-Intensive Service Industries. Sustainability. 13:13552.
2021. Taxonomy of centralization in public blockchain systems: A systematic literature review. Information Processing & Management. 58:102584.
2021. Taxonomy of Saliency Metrics for Channel Pruning. IEEE Access. 9:120110-120126.
2021. Theorizing Digital Experience: Four Aspects of the Infomaterial . Advancing Information Systems Theories. Technology, Work and Globalization.
2021. Threat modeling at run time: the case for reflective and adaptive threat management (NIER track). 2021 International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS).
2021. Tight Polynomial Bounds for Loop Programs in Polynomial Space. Logical Methods in Computer Science. 17
2021. To Work from Home (WFH) or Not to Work from Home? Lessons Learned by Software Engineers During the COVID-19 Pandemic Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement.
2021. .
2021. Towards a Framework to Support the Design of Esports Curricula in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2.
2021. Towards a Framework to Support the Design of Esports Curricula in Higher Education. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 2.
2021. Towards Automatic Grammatical Evolution for Real-world Symbolic Regression . 13th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence .