Found 3538 results
Principled Evolutionary Algorithm search operator design and the kernel trick. 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI).
2016. Privacy Dynamics: Learning Privacy Norms for Social Software. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems.
2016. Privacy Itch and Scratch: On Body Privacy Warnings and Controls. Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
2016. Privacy-by-Design Framework for Assessing Internet of Things Applications and Platforms. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things.
2016. Problematizing Agile in the Large: Alternative Assumptions for Large-Scale Agile Development. 37th International Conference on Information Systems.
2016. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software EngineeringProceedings of the 20th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering.
2016. Program Transformation to Identify List-Based Parallel Skeletons. {\rm Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on} Verification and Program Transformation, {\rm Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 2nd April 2016}.
2016. Protecting Privacy in the Cloud: Current Practices, Future Directions. IEEE Computer. 49(2)
2016. Real-time monitoring of SDN networks using non-invasive cloud-based logging platforms. 2016 IEEE 27th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC).
2016. Recursion in tree-based genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines.
2016. Refactoring Software Development Process Terminology Through the Use of Ontology. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, September 14-16, 2016, ProceedingsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, Septemb.
2016. Research findings from an industrial trial of a traceability assessment and implementation framework. ICSSP '16 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software and Systems ProcessICSSP '16 Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software and Systems Process.
2016. Risk Management: Achieving Higher Maturity Capability Levels through the LEGO Approach. 2016 Joint Conference of the International Workshop on Software Measurement and the International Conference on Software Process and Product Measurement (IWSM-MENSURA).
2016. A Risk-based MADM Model for Selecting Free-Libre Open Source Software Tools in the Domain of IT Service Management. 16th Symposium on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems16th Symposium on Decision Technology and Intelligent Information Systems.
2016. The Route to Software Process Improvement in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Managing Software Process Evolution: Traditional, Agile and Beyond – How to Handle Process ChangeManaging Software Process Evolution: Traditional, Agile and Beyond – How to Handle Process Change.
2016. .
2016. Safe Artificial Intelligence and Formal Methods. Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation: Foundational Techniques: 7th International Symposium, ISoLA 2016, Imperial, Corfu, Greece, October 10–14, 2016, Proceedings, Part ILeveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verific.
2016. Safety Critical Software Development – Extending Quality Management System Practices to Achieve Compliance with Regulatory Requirements. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination: 16th International Conference, SPICE 2016, Dublin, Ireland, June 9-10, 2016, ProceedingsSoftware Process Improvement and Capability Determination: 16th International Conference, SPICE 2016, Dublin.
2016. Safety Critical Software Development – Extending Quality Management System Practices to Achieve Compliance with Regulatory Requirements. 16th International Conference, SPICE 201616th International Conference, SPICE 2016.
2016. Scientific workflows with the jABC framework. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
2016. Scientific workflows with the jABC framework. International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer.
2016. A Scrumban Integrated Gamification Approach To Guide Software Process Improvement: A Turkish Case Study. Tehnicki Vjesnik (Technical Gazette). 23(1)
2016. SDN-driven multicast streams with adaptive bitrates for VoIP conferences. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).
2016. SEcube(TM): an Open Security Platform - General Approach and Strategies. International Conference on Security and Management (SAM)International Conference on Security and Management (SAM).
2016. Self-Balancing Decentralized Distributed Platform for Urban Traffic Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. PP