Found 3538 results
Semantic methods in genetic programming. Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines. 17
2016. Simulated Annealing As a Pre-Processing Step for Force-Directed Graph Drawing. Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion.
2016. Situational Factors in Safety Critical Software Development. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, September 14-16, 2016, ProceedingsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, Septemb.
2016. Smart cities – enabling services and applications. Journal of Internet Services and Applications. 7
2016. So that’s what the impact of IT innovation looks like? Examining the socio-technical dynamics of public service innovation Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 29
2016. SOC: Satisfaction-Oriented Virtual Machine Consolidation in Enterprise Data Centers. International Journal of Parallel Programming. 44
2016. Software Business - 7th International Conference, ICSOB 2016. 7th International Conference, ICSOB7th International Conference, ICSOB.
2016. Software Developer's Journey. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, September 14-16, 2016, ProceedingsSystems, Software and Services Process Improvement: 23rd European Conference, EuroSPI 2016, Graz, Austria, Septemb.
2016. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. SPICE 2016SPICE 2016.
2016. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination. 16th International Conference, SPICE 201616th International Conference, SPICE 2016.
2016. Software Process Improvement in Very Small Organizations. IEEE Software. 33(2)
2016. Software Process Improvement Roadmaps – Using Design Patterns to Aid SME's Developing Medical Device Software in the Implementation of IEC 62304. Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination: 16th International Conference, SPICE 2016, Dublin, Ireland, June 9-10, 2016, ProceedingsSoftware Process Improvement and Capability Determination: 16th International Conference, SPICE 2016, Dublin.
2016. Software Startups – A Research Agenda. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal. 10
2016. Software-as-a-Medical Device: demystifying Connected Health regulations. Journal of Systems and Information Technology. 18
2016. A Stakeholder Contribution Pattern in Requirements Decision-Making: an Empirical Study in Enterprise Development. The IEEE 6th International Workshop on Requirements Patterns, co-located with RE'16.
2016. The strengths and weaknesses of software architecture design in the RUP, MSF, MBASE and RUP-SOA methodologies: A conceptual review. Computer Standards and Interfaces. 47
2016. A Summer Computing Camp Using ChainReaction and jABC. 2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC).
2016. Systems and Software Engineering Standards for Very Small Entities: Accomplishments and Overview. Computer. 49
2016. Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement. 23nd European Conference on Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (EuroSPI 2016)23nd European Conference on Systems, Software and Services Process Improvement (EuroSPI 2016).
2016. Tackling Society's Grand Challenges with Design Science . 11th International Conference, DESRIST .
2016. Tailoring MDevSPICE&Reg; for Mobile Medical Apps. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software and Systems Process.
2016. A Taxonomy of Context-aware Software Variability Approaches. Companion Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Modularity.
2016. Teaching Global Software Development through Game Design. 11th {IEEE} International Conference on Global Software Engineering Workshops, {ICGSE} Workshops 2016, Orange County, CA, USA, August 2, 2016.
2016. Technology Enabled Continuous Software Development. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Continuous Software Evolution and Delivery.
2016. Towards a Gamified System to Improve Translation for Online Meetings. 3rd International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retrieval (GamifIR) co-located with the 39th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval,3rd International Workshop on Gamification for Information Retr.